
Mid Border & Container Roses

The roses listed in this section have medium growth habit of around 90-120cm, making them perfect for planting in the middle of a garden border amongst other garden plants and giving them clear space when planting to grow at least 90cm wide.

Alternatively they can be grown in a large and heavy container using John Innes No 3 compost  and placing the container in a position that gets at least half a day of sunshine and water and feed regularly during active growth.

Expect wonderful displays of Fragrant flowering roses from early summer to late autumn, dead head through summer and autumn for repeat flower, cutting the stems below the old flower buds to just above a leaf, 3 or 4 leaves below in the middle of the main plant and where the stems are strong and thick.

Prune hard in winter, back down to 30cm to keep a nice rounded shape and promote new basal shoots in the following year.

  1. X Colour Pink
  2. X Colour Blue/Lilac
  3. X Colour White/Cream
  4. X Rose Type Shrub
  5. X Rose Type Floribunda
  6. X Fragrance Strong
  7. X Planting Situation Mid to Back Border or Container
  8. X Planting Situation Front to Mid Border or Container
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David Austin Variety  
Eustacia Vye rose
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Shrub, David Austin,

From £25.95

The Minerva Rose - Deep Purple Floribunda - The Fragrant Rose Company
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From £21.95

Odyssey Rose - Lilac Floribunda - The Fragrant Rose Company
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So Crazy In Love Rose - White Shrub - The Fragrant Rose Company
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